LOOK BOOK 02 | In My Skin


There comes a time when you have to come face to face with all those things that live deep inside. Those things that we’re so good at shuffling away. As I come into my truest self, it’s taken a lot of courage and strength to come face to face with the parts of me that still hurt from my past and even the parts of me that never seemed to fully blossom.

This shoot unmasked some of those sensitivities. When I shot this, I had moments of thinking, “Wow, I love the way I look in this jacket” and “Damn my legs look good!” But then, I was forced to see the parts of me that I’ve never been so sure about like, “I need to hide my stomach” and “My body is so awkwardly shaped, why do I look like this?”

I’ve spent many years analyzing every part of my body that ‘needs fixing’. I even got it down to the proportions of how things should land on certain parts of my body to create illusions- just so I can feel less self conscious in public. And if we’re being completely honest, the all black attire (those who know me know that black has always been apart of my uniform), may just play a part in hiding my body.

So here we are. Topless, sporting a neon yellow leather Zara jacket, and some H&M biker shorts. When I look at these shots, I’m reminded that this body has held up through the some of the worst storms. It has kept me healthy, strong, and protected. This is my reminder to me.

This is me, in my skin.


LOOK BOOK 03 | Denim Casual


LOOK BOOK 01 | Grandpa’s Suit