LOOK BOOK 04 | Sweet Revenge

Hey friends,

As we closed out the month of July, a lot of shifts took place (good ones) and that of course shifted my work flow. You know, life is all about flexibility as we can never predict what’s to come. But in this, having my own platform to speak to those who connect with my creative practices and journey, always feels so safe. No matter what kind of chaos life brings, Beetlejuus will always be my priority. It’s my commitment and release for myself- as well as to my community. Speaking of shifts, I’m thinking of a new ‘series’ to tap into while the look book takes a pause. Just to explore something different and shake things up a bit. Comment below if you have any requests (artist interviews, business tips, etc) for the next blog series.

In the meantime, tap in below for a short story behind this look book:

This outfit brought back so many memories. I chose this look for that simple reason- nostalgia, reflection.

I remember the exact day I purchased both the striped button up and the studded leather jacket (ASOS always held me down). Back when I was peaking into my 2o’s, I felt like I knew who I was and how I wanted to present myself. I made this commitment to myself that no matter what, I always want to stay true to who I am. It was such an interesting time because my appearance may not have been the most inviting; although I fully embrace people and was always the social lite. I rocked a bald cut, decided to tattoo my entire neck and chest, always wore black, stretched my lobes, and had a septum for some time.

I was simply being me and exploring different ways of self expression without caring how others would perceive me. And I can say that I feel as equally comfortable in my own skin now as I did back then. Throughout my past until this point in my life (I’ll be 30 in October), I’d like to say that I’ve done a pretty good job at staying true to me. 10 years later, I’m still very obsessed with leather lmao! And I absolutely love dancing on that fine line between grunge and chic. I’m libra y’all, what can I say- we love balance.

Something that I often say to my newsletter subscribers (join the mail list below!) is to always do what feels good. When you lean into what feels good to you, you stay true to you.

Thanks for reading friends, talk soon.


LOOK BOOK 05 | Crème


LOOK BOOK 03 | Denim Casual